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These goals take top priority for us

We have prioritised 9 of the 17 goals for sustainable development. Click on the icon in question to learn what measures we have taken at Buchinger Wilhelmi.

No poverty

Everyone should be able to cover their basic needs and lead a fulfilled life. Unfortunately, that is not the case everywhere in the world and for all people. That is why this goal is one of the most important for us.

We demonstrate our commitment to combatting poverty by employing several hundred people in our clinics. At Buchinger Wilhelmi we take our social responsibility seriously, which is why we have integrated as many service providers as possible in our company, including cleaning and laundry personnel.

In the face of soaring energy costs and inflation, we subsidise our employees with special bonuses. In Marbella, we also support organisations like Caritas.

Zero hunger

Having a sufficient food supply is one of the most essential prerequisites for a healthy life. That is why we pay great attention to the way we handle food and use certified organic and local produce in our clinics.

As our meals can be planned efficiently, we hardly throw any food away at Buchinger Wilhelmi clinics. We buy and cook everything as we need it, thereby avoiding waste. If anything is left over, it is fed into the biogas plant (in Überlingen) or our organic compost (in Marbella). That way, we can be sure that any surplus food is used as meaningfully as possible.

We also help our employees to eat a healthy diet by offering them organic food boxes (in Überlingen) or lunch (in both clinics). They also benefit from our information on enjoying a sustainable and healthy diet as much as our guests do.

Good health and well-being

Health is more than the absence of illness and pain: We support people in our clinics with a holistic approach for the body and soul. That is why this goal is particularly important to us.

Mindfulness towards ourselves, our fellow human beings and the environment is a matter that is close to our hearts. For this reason, the health services we offer go well beyond fasting itself. Guests at our clinics can benefit from preventive medical treatment, psychotherapy and nutritional advice, among other things. We promote their well-being and help them to give up unhealthy habits. Our Fasting Box, YouTube channel, talks and the Buchinger Wilhelmi app can be used by people outside the clinics to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Furthermore, our employees have the opportunity to fast in our clinics; in Überlingen we offer them a company fitness programme as well as employee discounts for therapies and treatments.

Quality education

Education is one of the most effective pillars to ensure a better future. For this reason, we want to give as many people as possible access to our knowledge. We share interesting facts on YouTube, at events and in our Buchinger Wilhelmi app.

We also continuously promote the personal development of our employees in both clinics by offering them opportunities for further education. In addition, our guests can attend a wide range of events where we convey our knowledge on the topics of health and well-being, as well as techniques like yoga and relation exercises.

In Überlingen, our staff can take advantage of our free knowledge transfer (knowledge sharing workshops, talks and cooking demonstrations) and language courses. In Marbella, we offer quality education in the form of conferences, coaching and more. We also actively promote cultural activities in the region.

Clean water and sanitation

Unfortunately, access to clean drinking water is not a given for all people. That is why we are committed to using this valuable resource responsibly.

In Überlingen, we have installed drinking water fountains and replaced all PET bottles with stainless steel bottles for our guests. The water used to irrigate our gardens comes from the overflow from the Kneipp basin as well as rainwater. We even clean the overflow water from our outdoor swimming pool in a recycling plant and use most of it again.

The sanitary facilities are regularly maintained and inspected. We use recycling dispensers for our drinking water. Other water-saving measures include taps with motion sensors and reusing water from the underwater massage tubs.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

We also want to set a good example with regard to our suppliers and partners. That’s why at our clinic in Überlingen, we work with local and regional service providers that also make a point of acting sustainably. Wherever possible, we make sure that we provide services internally (also for reasons of social responsibility and quality assurance).

In Marbella, we promote various innovation projects and work with state-of-the-art technology in accordance with the latest research.

Our own scientific department contributes to disseminating knowledge with numerous studies conducted in cooperation with international researchers and universities. We provide this knowledge free of charge in the form of YouTube videos or our Buchinger Wilhelmi app.

Responsible consumption and production

Consumption is rarely sustainable, which is why this is a particularly important issue for us. Because only if we produce and consume in an environmentally friendly way can we rise to the challenges of the future. Based on the principle of mindfulness, it is a logical consequence for us to use resources carefully and protect the environment.

Our clinic in Überlingen is the first in the world to have its cuisine certified by Demeter. We generally follow the cradle-to-cradle principle by reusing or recycling all the materials in products we use. That applies to food as well as to waste disposal.

Our clinic in Marbella has initiated a CSA (Clinic Supported Agriculture) project that supplies fresh, seasonal and local natural products. In purchasing packaging, paper, and detergents, we adhere to clearly defined environmental guidelines. We use smart technology to save energy.

In both clinics, we use only returnable glass bottles and drinking water fountains. Everyday items such as carpets and towels are reused or converted for other uses. Food is delivered without or with only very little packaging and in reusable boxes.

Climate action

Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. Instead of turning a blind eye, we assume responsibility and take numerous measures to reduce emissions. In addition, we make use of sustainable and innovative energy sources.

In Überlingen, we have two combined heat and power plants that can be supported by heating pumps if necessary. The most commonly used resource in our clinics is paper: We were able to slash our paper consumption after a course by Greenpeace and switched to paper that is certified as being sustainable. To promote electromobility, we have two electric filling stations as well as charging stations for electric bikes. We use electric caddies on our clinic grounds. We repair or convert anything that is broken and donate old workwear to people in need.

In Marbella, all of our thermal plants fulfil legal requirements and are regularly controlled. We invest in renewable energy and initiate measures to save energy and increase efficiency. For example, we have a charging station for electric cars, insulate pipes and cables, and offer a garage to park bicycles. We are also constantly expanding our grassed areas.

Partnerships for the goals

Together we can achieve more – That is why our clinics in Überlingen on Lake Constance and in Marbella work closely together and exchange their knowledge on the topic of sustainability.

In addition, we work with external organisations that follow the same goals as we do. These include Médecins sans Frontières, Pozos Sin Fronteras, CSA, Arboretum and others.

Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, BIO, Zertfizierung
Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, Right livelihood award
Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine,, Zertfizierung, DIN EN ISO 9001, Qualitätsmanagementsystem, EQ ZERT
Buchinger Wilhelmi, Fasten, Heilfasten, Fasting, Health, Integrative Medicine, Traveler, Condé Nast
Gelände der Fastenklinik Buchinger Wilhelmi in Überlingen am Bodensee mit Garten, Schwimmbecken und Gebäuden als idealer Ort zum Buchinger Heilfasten